Do you have a victor or a victim’s mindset? Here’s what you need to know if you’re not sure. A victor has a positive outlook towards life and takes ownership of every decision he/she makes. A victim, on the other hand, approaches life very negatively and always blames external factors or people when things go wrong. “As long as you think that the cause of your problem is ‘out there’ — as long as you think that anyone or anything is responsible for your suffering — the situation is hopeless. It means that you are forever in the role of victim, that you’re suffering in paradise.” – Byron Katie. This quote sums up what it means to have a victim mindset.

Listed below are some differences in attitude between a victor and a victim.

Here are three tips to help you be a Victor and not a Victim

1. It’s Your Choice

If you want to live as a victor, choose to have a victor’s mindset. When adversity comes your way, it’s your golden opportunity to have the right attitude and respond to the problem as a victor. However, if you switch over and feel like a victim in the face of adversity, you automatically give your difficult situations the power to control you.

2. Don’t Fear Failure

It’s easy to get sucked into having a victim’s mindset when you’re afraid of failure. The famous Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” His attitude of not giving up in spite of failure staring right at him is what lead Thomas Edison to stay focused on his dream and succeed. Thomas Edison’s attitude was that of a victor.

3. Outcomes don’t define you

Being a victor means knowing who you are and believing in yourself.

If you constantly look down on your abilities and talents, you will never be able to reach your full potential and achieve greatness. Also, don’t let bad outcomes to situations bring you down or define who you are. You are so much bigger than that.

You can’t always control what happens externally. But, you can control who you choose to be when you are faced with adversity.

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