1. There is a difference between having wisdom and using wisdom.
    Merely possessing knowledge isn’t enough; applying it appropriately is what defines true wisdom.
  2. Wisdom isn’t measured only by how wise you look, sound, or speak but by how you live.
    Actions often speak louder than words, reflecting the depth of one’s wisdom.
  3. Wisdom isn’t just about the breadth of knowledge but about exercising the right choices.
    It’s not the amount you know, but how you use what you know to make sound decisions.
  4. Wisdom without leading oneself is futile.
    True wisdom involves self-discipline and the ability to guide oneself effectively.
  5. Wisdom is not carried away by temporary position, power, possession, or popularity.
    It remains grounded and unaffected by transient successes or external validations.
  6. Wisdom is led by conviction and not by feelings.
    Decisions based on strong principles rather than fleeting emotions are hallmarks of wisdom.
  7. Wisdom and restraint work in tandem.
    Exercising self-control is essential to making wise and thoughtful decisions.

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