More About Rajiv

Rajiv Chelladurai can best be described as a Leadership Specialist who has a focused goal of helping people discover their unique potential, develop a mindset of excellence and purpose their purpose in life. He is a dynamic leader in the area of practical application of wisdom. Most of Rajiv’s wisdom teaching is inspired from the Bible and he uses his personal experiences to inspire others to be the best version of themselves.

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This book will change your life

It’s a great joy to be recommending to you a book I recently stumbled across. When it first came to me in manuscript form, I just read it because I knew the author. Rajiv Chelladurai has an impressive background in the corporate world, he does a lot of work in the business sense; but when he titled this book “Wisdom Workout”, I was quite intrigued. This book categorically works through a process where every day you can get a workout for your mind. You can workout on different things that allow you to take that knowledge and apply it as wisdom. I encourage you to read the book. I encourage you to work on the concepts and I do believe these daily wisdom workouts will radically change your life.

Krish Dhanam , Speaker & Lifestyle Coach

Rajiv was a great colleague and is a pragmatic speaker. We organized a session for over 130 finance and account employees. Our experience was unique and very thought-provoking. He is a good example of the great teacher that makes you think even if you don’t want to. His passion was clearly visible in every minute of his presentation. We sincerely thank him and wish him all the best for the

Ketan Pabari, Commercial and Procurement Head, Birla Sunlife Insurance

Thanks a lot Rajiv for all your time and effort. Got super feedback from the trainers. They found your session very informative and it’s a great value-add to their profession too. Looking forward to a long-term professional engagement.

Shilpa Alagh, Lead HR, National University Students Skill Development Project at TISS

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Hidden Gifts of Hardship

By |June 27th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Leadership|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Negative situations, unpleasant circumstances, and painful scenarios are often opportunities for us to develop character. The irony is that if life contained only positives and bliss, we wouldn’t grow in maturity and temperament. Just as light requires darkness to shine through, other moral qualities require challenges to thrive. Take a look at some of these contradictions: Faith requires a situation of fear for it to act. Conviction needs the opposition of contrarian views to stand out. Character requires the option of compromise for it to work. Perseverance requires suffering for [...]

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