Focus – the point at which an object must be situated with respect to a lens or mirror for an image to be well defined.”

The sharper the focus greater the clarity.  Focus amplifies personal productivity and the converse is also true. Focus requires intentionality.

Why Focus? 

Excellence requires focus. Skill in the absence of focussed effort is wasted potential. Effort without focus is wasted energy. But when skill is backed by effort with focus then excellence is the outcome

Focus is a scarce commodity. What this really means is that if you spend it unwisely you will lose it 

So here are 5 areas where you must focus on

Focus on your  potential 

Potential is defined as a latent quality or ability. This means that you have a natural inclination or ability towards a specific skill set. You indeed possess a specific unique natural expertise. It can vary from art to architecture, baking to building, coding to culinary the options are endless. Recognize your potential and focus disproportionately or even completely on your potential. Roger Federer focused on tennis, Steve Jobs on building tech, and Jeff Bezos on entrepreneurship. Start focusing on your potential

You indeed possess a specific unique natural expertise

Focus on your passion 

What do you do that makes you feel completely alive ? What’s the thing that you love to do even if you weren’t paid for doing it? What’s the thing that you could do all day and feel energized instead of tired? Answers to these questions will point you towards your passion. I believe my passion is to inspire people to live out their potential. So I employ my focus by doing this. I find this completely satisfying and energizing. If you focus on your passion you will enjoy satisfaction, on the contrary, if you don’t you end up with frustration.  So what is your passion and more importantly are you focusing on it?

What’s the thing that you love to do even if you weren’t paid for doing it?

Focus on what you can control 

In life, there will always be variables that you cannot control. Layoffs, illness, policy changes, lockdowns, setbacks to name a few. Stop wasting your focus on what you cannot control and instead focus on what you can. Focus on upgrading your skill, looking for new opportunities, networking, etc. Often a closed door is a sign to focus on the new.  Focusing on what you can control isn’t just logical but will indeed get you ahead while investing your focus on what you cannot control is a sure shot formula to stagnation.

Often a closed door is a sign to focus on the new

Focus on one 

“Be like a postage stamp – stick to one thing until you get there “ beautifully stated by Josh Billings.

Not just an amazing quote but a powerful truth. When it comes to focusing, depth matters more than width. What this means is deeper the focus in one area greater the impact as compared to focusing on several areas at the same time. Greater the intensity of the focus greater the impact. Narrow your focus to maximize the value you create. I would encourage you to do a focus audit and eliminate the unnecessary, the nice, the good and instead invest your focus bandwidth completely on the significant.  Achievers are known for their achievement in one area of focus and not in many.

Greater the intensity of the focus greater the impact.

Focus on what you believe 

Not everyone is going to agree with your belief and convictions. The reality is that you will be surrounded by critics, commentators, and cynics. You got to focus on what you believe and not on the opinions of others. Every visionary and achiever was told to quit dreaming and to get practical. They chose instead to focus on the dream, the goal, and the vision. Stop focusing on convincing all and sundry. Stop worrying about the “what ifs” and instead focus on the “why not”.That’s exactly what the Wright Brothers did and because of that every time we fly we enjoy the value of their focus. Focus on your belief.

Stop worrying about the “what ifs” and instead focus on the “why not”.

In conclusion, when you find your focus you find your why, your calling, and you are ready to make a difference

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